Health Balance Your life. Your health. In balance.


  • February 4, 2019

School Kids and Back Packs

Hooray!!! Bags are packed and school is back!  School bags can be heavy, so it is important that we educate children on the best way to carry them, to minimise strains they can cause on their growing bodies.  

Possible signs of back pack issues:

1: Struggling to put on or take off

2: Pain when wearing the backpack

3: Tingling or numbness, especially in the shoulder, arm, hand or upper back.

4: Red marks on their skin.

5: Noticeable changes in posture

How heavy is too heavy?

It does come down to the individual child, but generally anything more that 10 to 15% of your Childs’ body weight is too heavy.

With correct fitting and postural advice, many issues caused by a heavy school bag can be minimised.   To help, we are offering a FREE full backpack assessment and adjustment with postural advice by one of our Osteopaths.

To book for your assessment, select Book Now, Osteopathy, then Back Pack Assessment.